There are many ways you can help Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah school district. See below for ideas and suggestions:
Parents, grandparents, and other community members are encouraged to volunteer their time in the EL-G school district, either on an ongoing basis or a one-time event. If interested, contact either building principal.
Elementary / Middle School: Dr. Jeanne Courneene - 920-876-3307 /
High School: Mr. Ryan Faris - 920-876-3381 /
District: Dr. Adam Englebretson - 920-876-3381 /
LOOKING FOR TALENTED PEOPLE IN ALL FIELDS!! Are you interested in volunteering to work with the youth at Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah Elementary/Middle School? Do you have a hobby or trade you would like to share? If so, then we have the perfect opportunity for you! The Elkhart Lake-Glenbeulah Elementary and Middle School is looking for talented people to come in and work with students in the MakerSpace Program. You can set your own time and schedule of what works best for you. You can choose the age group with whom you would like to work. This can be anything from sewing, knitting/crocheting, woodworking, making fishing lures, to robotics, etc.!! This program is an EXCELLENT way to get the community involved with our youth. If you are interested, please call or email Mrs. Erin Glynn (Urness), HS Art Teacher and MakerSpace Program Coordinator (920) 876-3381, ext. 3352; with what it is you would like to do!
The schools, student groups, ELG Parent Teacher Association (PTA), and the ELGS Education Foundation coordinate a number of fundraisers to raise money for unmet student educational and enrichment needs.
Click HERE for various fundraisers now happening.
Donations can come in many sizes and types. See below for examples:
- Save Box Tops for Education and milk caps to bring into either school office.
- Erin Glynn, the MakerSpace Coordinator at the Elementary and Middle schools, is in need of the following items for upcoming projects. Any item donation is greatly appreciated:
Project 1: The Great Gingerbread Village Holiday Festival at The Waelderhaus
*Plywood board -- No larger than 2 feet by 2 feet (19 of them)
*Edible materials -- Homemade gingerbread, purchased gingerbread, graham crackers or any variety of cookies or crackers, either homemade or purchased can be used as the basic building material. Candies, confections, gum drops, choc. Chips, candy canes, licorice, hard candies, coconut, marshmallows, frosting, etc.
Project 2: UpCycled Sweater Mittens
*Old wool sweaters -- Any color
*Fleece -- Any color (for inside of mitten)
Join / Support the ELG PTA and ELG Education Foundation
Both organizations do much to support the district. You can learn more about each organization by clicking on the links below.
ELG Education Foundation: